Be a Member!

RDA Singapore is a registered charity and a registered society. If you are interested and believe in our vision and mission of helping and serving the persons with disabilities through horse-riding therapy, do join us as a member! As a member of RDA Singapore:
- You will be kept up to date with what's on at RDA Singapore with our newsletter
- You can join us during our Annual General Meeting (usually in Sep) and vote for committee members. You can also stand for election as a potential Committee member. (For Ordinary and Life members only)
- Special discount to our regular events like our events such as RDA at the Races! Be kept in the loop if there is any tie-up with our corporate partners.
Ordinary Member (Aged 21 and above) - $45 per year
Junior Member (Below 21 years of age) - $15 per year
Life Member - $500 (one-off)
Corporate membership - $500 per year
All membership applications must be proposed and seconded by an existing RDA member. If you are interested, please email us at mail@rdasingapore.org.sg