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Media Coverage:
~ LianHe Wanbao Feb 2020
~ Zaobao Now Aug 2019
~ Wonderwall.sg – Horsing Around For The Love Of Children Dec 2019
~ TODAY 30 Sep 2018: RDA inaugural “Inclusion Walk-a-Wheelathon”
~ ANZA Magazine May 2018:
~ Interview with RDA Volunteer, Becky Vinden, Expat Living May 2018: https://www.facebook.com/rdasgp/photos/pcb.1018482264970605/1018482201637278/?type=3&theater
~ RDA at the Races – 4 Feb 2018, Winning Post, March 2018: https://www.facebook.com/rdasgp/photos/a.251788831639956.1073741829.247414555410717/1031212547030910/?type=3&theater
~ World Animal Day, Pets Dialougue, Oct 2017: http://www.thepetsdialogue.com/2017/10/world-animal-day-carnival-with-horses.html?m=1
~ “Saddle Up”, Pets Magazine, June/July 2017: https://www.facebook.com/rdasgp/photos/pcb.843469349138565/843469262471907/?type=3&theatre
~ “I think it’s the riding that gives her the confidence.” says mother of Fiona, a child suffering from Williams Syndrome. Mothership, June 2017: https://www.facebook.com/MothershipSG/videos/1530173237022323/UzpfSTI0NzQxNDU1NTQxMDcxNzoxMDE1OTg2MTg1MjIwMjEz/
~RDA Race Day 2017 with Guest of Honor, Senior Minister of State, MCCY & MTI Ms Sim Ann. 25 January 2017:
http://thepeakmagazine.com.sg/events/photos-riding-disabled-association-rda-singapore-raises-70000-benefit-6000-beneficiaries/ http://www.turfclub.com.sg/MediaCenter/Pages/PressDetails.aspx?intNewsID=243&spListName=Press%20Releases#.WcicsfkjGCg
~Autistic S’pore boy’s handwritten letters to therapy horse tell an amazing, heart-wrenching story of friendship. 17 February 2017:
~RDA meets Princess Anne, President of RDA UK and Patron of RDA New Zealand and Australia. 4 Nov 2016:
~Be inspired: Laurentia Tan, Para-equestrian Rider. 16 September 2016:
~Lighthouse School rides at RDA and sees improvements in students. 12 Mar 2016:
also, click here see previous update in 2015 from Lighthouse school
~RDA accepts an automated external defibrillator (AED) from Mr Khoo, thank you! 23 Jan 2016:
~The Joy Truck comes to RDA Singapore to make a wish come true! This show has English subtitles. 4 Nov 2015:
~Ex-polo pony, a crowd favourite, the dependable and calm Tobiana is featured in this article! Written through Tobiana’s voice, read about how she finds her calmer second career as an equine therapist. 10 September 2015:
~Newspaper articles and a shout out from the Singapore Prime Minister for team Horseback Gobi raising funds to sponsor Buckay! May 2015
https://www.facebook.com/rdasgp/posts/482225418596295 http://news.asiaone.com/news/singapore/nus-students-go-desert-trek-help-disabled
~Thank you to our corporate volunteers for helping us with conducting our therapy sessions in term 1 2015!
~Horse-riding gives disabled ‘confidence’ and ‘independence’. 5 August 2013
~Look back at a photo montage of RDA Singapore from 2010!
Read on about our beneficiaries Gemma Rose Foo and Maximillian Tan who have become para-olympians!
~Winning big in Germany! 15 June 2012: http://news.asiaone.com/News/Latest+News/Singapore/Story/A1Story20120615-353057.html
~Beating the odds to ride at the games! 29 July 2012: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/opinion/Beating-the-odds-to-ride-at-the-Games-30187163.html
~Take a look at this short clip on how Max beats the odds! 24 April 2015: https://youtu.be/3pmekn8ADEk
~Max on Life Extraordinaire 15 Dec 2015: http://video.toggle.sg/en/video/series/life-extraordinaire/ep5/354875
~Gemma: Riding to establish her freedom. 3 Sep 2016: http://www.straitstimes.com/sport/riding-to-establish-her-freedom
~Para-Equestrian Gemma Rose Foo kept on going despite all obstacles. 16 Sep 2016: https://www.theonlinecitizen.com/2016/09/16/para-equestrian-gemma-rose-foo-kept-on-going-despite-all-obstacles/
~Interview of Max on Rio 2016 Paralympic Games. 22 Sep 2016: http://www.tnp.sg/news/singapore/he-overrides-pain-through-sheer-grit
The Life-Changing Power of the Horse https://academic.oup.com/af/article/4/3/72/4638696
Equine Assisted Therapy: A Unique and Effective Intervention
Equine Psychotherapy www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1300/J015v15n03_11
Effectiveness of a Standardized Equine-Assisted Therapy Program for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26210515/
Efficacy of Equine Therapy: Mounting Evidence
The Effect of an Equine Assisted therapy (EAT) Program on Children’s Occupational Performance – a Pilot Study www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/10.1108/IJOT-02-2017-0005
Effects of Equine Assisted Activities on Autism Spectrum Disorder
Occupational Therapy and Equine-Assisted Activities and Therapies
Do Equine-assisted Physical Activities Help to Develop Gross Motor Skills in Children with the Down Syndrome? https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2016.10.140
Benefits of Pets for Kids – The Essential Guide
Understanding Persons with Disabilities: https://www.ncss.gov.sg/Press-Room/Publications/Detail-Page?id=Understanding-Persons-with-Disabilitie
Review of 16 studies concludes horseback riding can benefit people with disabilities:
“Physical activities that use horseback riding can help to improve strength, balance, and other outcomes for children and adults with a range of neuromotor, developmental, and physical disabilities, a review of 16 studies has found.”
Therapeutic riding improves motor control and self-confidence in children with cerebral palsy:
“Therapeutic horse-riding improved the confidence of children with cerebral palsy, providing them with hope and the feeling that they can cope with their lives, according to their parents. These benefits were on top of improvements in balance, trunk and posture control identified in the study” https://www.horsetalk.co.nz/2017/03/22/therapeutic-riding-children-cerebral-palsy/
Therapeutic horse riding improves coordination in Down syndrome children:
“The individuals that practiced hippotherapy presented better results in global motor coordination… Among those who took part in horse riding, 5% were assessed as having high global motor coordination, 40% were rated as good and 55% were assessed as normal. In the non-riding group, none were assessed as having high global motor coordination, only 10% were rated good, and 90% were assessed as normal.”
Horse riding found to significantly reduce autism symptoms in children:
Horse-riding significantly reduced the severity of symptoms and hyperactivity in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) compared to those in a control group… There was a significant reduction in the severity of ASD symptoms and hyperactivity from pre- to post-test for the intervention group only”
Benefits of therapeutic riding among autistic youngsters remained six months later:
“Comparisons from baseline and six months after the intervention revealed that the therapeutic horseback riding group sustained significant initial improvements made in social and communication behaviors, along with number of words and different words spoken during a standard language sample.”
RDA Newsletters: